Death in the Afternoon
“Don‘t bother with churches, government buildings or city squares. If you want to know about a culture, spend a night in its bars.”
Ernest Hemingway knew more about drinking than I know about Jimmy Buffett, and that is saying a lot. He submitted his own drink recipe, named after his book of the same name for publication. Below is the most common recipe for “Death in the Afternoon”
1 Jigger Absinthe
1 Sugar Cube
1. Pour 1 jigger of absinthe into a champagne glass.
2. Add iced champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness.
3. Drop in 1 sugar cube.
4. Repeat....Drink 3-5 of these slowly.
5. Attempt to see if you can still handle the English language in Hemingway fashion.
For those of you who think absinthe is illegal, hallucinogenic, or just not available in the US please see the below link:
“Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.”--Ernest Hemingway
This drink has resulted in a future blog entry for us. Unfortunately it is still “Too soon.”